Check out this short video to discover how to give away Complentary Vacations (1min 1sec) & Restaurant Vouchers (3min 10sec) to Your Leads, Prospects and Clients to scale your business faster than ever before
The Advertising Boost Program is so amazing we often get asked - "but what is the catch, what am I missing?". The reality
is there is no catch. There is no time share presentations, there is no hidden surprises. The only thing that some people could consider a catch is that we can give away free vacations valued at approximately $300 per night but there is still taxes payable of roughly $19.45 per night. As you can understand we have no control over Government requirements. Coming up soon we are going to build in the optional ability for you to pay the taxes in advance for your leads and clients if you like.
Plus we have many more exciting locations coming on board soon.
Your clients will 'light up with joy on their faces' when you give them a free holiday (we have yet to see one that isn't excited). Their opinion of you for doing this for them could not be higher. It's also exciting for the clients family.
Leads & Prospects who are considering multiple product or service offerings are significantly more likely to choose you over your competition because you are offering something cool & fun and making the bonus the prize.
By having a clear competitive advantage offering you no longer need to keep dropping prices to compete as leads & prospects desire your offer over the competition. Better pricing results in increased profits for your business.
The most successful companies in the world all have 'raving fans' that tell everyone about them. Let Advertising Boost be your secret weapon for creating massive good will & referrals with your vacation & restaurant give aways.
A recent poll of the Advertising Boost Community showed that there are over 50 different industries and markets growing their businesses by giving away complementary Advertising Boost vacations and restaurant vouchers. You can see a small subset of those industries below...